Nuestro sistema revolucionario de venta de entradas web te permite llegar a un público más amplio y ofrecer a los clientes una experiencia de 10 tanto online como en el propio cine.
Sync online ticketing into your existing website
Customize V-Tix to fit in with your existing website for a seamless online experience: Simply upload your logo, select the colors you want to use, set-up your merchant account, and away you go. We’re happy to liaise with your web developers directly if necessary and at no cost to you. You could be up and running in less than an hour!
Enable seat-select and multi-buys
Generate additional revenue and capture customer details for your marketing efforts with V-Tix - a mobile-responsive solution. Your on-the-go customers will be able to book tickets via their mobile devices, and they’ll love our reserved seating functionality that allows them to book their favorite seats in advance.
Our shopping cart feature allows moviegoers to buy tickets to multiple sessions in one easy transaction -handy for film festivals and movie marathons.
Your ushers can use our free UsherPoint app to scan their tickets at the cinema, reducing queue times at POS.
Boost revenue and expand your marketing
Increase your revenue through booking fees and capture customer details for marketing purposes via an opt-in check box as part of the online booking process. V-Tix is fully integrated with our Loyalty system.
Pair with Web for a full website solution
Want the dream website? Web is the website solution for cinemas that both you and your moviegoers will love. It seamlessly integrates with V-Tix, ensuring every page is as mobile-friendly and easy to navigate as the next!
Pídenos información sobre , el nuevo y bonito sistema para sitios web de cines que os entusiasmará tanto a ti como a tus clientes. Está completamente integrado con la función Canal de venta V-Tix, de tal forma que todas las páginas que compongan tu sitio web funcionarán de maravilla y se adaptarán a los dispositivos móviles.