Top 5 Time-saving Tips | Veezi Skip to Content
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Top 5 Time-Saving Tips

For efficient cinema management

Hello friends,

How’s it going? Busy, right? You know it! I’m busy, you’re busy, that shirt your grandma bought for your last birthday is definitely busy. The world just seems to keep getting busier and busier! But Veezi is taking a stand and doing all we can to free up your time by taking a number of day-to-day tasks off your hands.

So, without further ado, here are Veezi’s official Top Ten (divided by two) Time Saving Tips! That’s five… five time saving tips:

  1. Kick manual reporting to the curb

Distributors! Am I riiiiiight?! Preach sister! Distributors are a major part of the industry but, love ‘em as we do, they sure do want a lot of reports. With Veezi’s scheduled reporting you need never send a box office report manually again. You can set up daily, weekly, and mid-week reports to send directly to your distributors’ inboxes. Break the reports down by day, session, even ticket type! Whatever floats your boat. Getting the reports set up is a one-off job and once it’s done— that’s it! You can sit back and relax, certain in the knowledge that your box office figures will be sitting pretty in distributor inboxes each morning.

  1. Take the bore out of eBOR

Along with reporting figures directly to distributors, Veezi can also take care of feeding your box office data to Numero and Maccs, and all with a super simple one-button click. Enable the Numero and Maccs electronic feeds from your Veezi back office and then… well, then nothing, really. We’ll take care of connecting your account to the Numero and Maccs systems and your box office figures will just go.

  1. Say good-bye to film curation with MX Film

Films, films, films! So many films! So many posters, trailer links, run times, and rating certs. So many slightly dodgy websites visited, with so many pop-up ads, just to find the film info you need. “No more,” we say, “no more!” Your Veezi subscription gives you access to a pre-loaded master list of films, sourced from movieXchange’s MX Film— the database for studio-official movie media. Import films into your Veezi account fully formed—posters posted, run times running, and rating certs certified. And any missing (or updated) data will be pushed down into your account automatically when it’s available.

  1. Look mum, no hands TMS integration!

No one likes double handling. Not only does it waste your time, it increases the chances of making a mistake. So why not just enter your film schedule into Veezi and have it transfer straight into your TMS? Why not indeed! Can’t think of a reason? Well nor could we, so we developed our nifty TMS integration tool to grab your sessions from Veezi and pop them down nice and safe in your TMS. Finally! No more of those unfortunate incidents where a theatre full of nice children waiting for Frozen 2 accidentally get shown Friday the 13th. Yeesh… awkward.

  1. Take a hands-off approach to getting your showtimes online

Speaking of double handling, if you’re still manually updating your website, have I got a deal for you! Your website can be set up to automatically pull your showtimes through from Veezi—including attributes like selling fast or sold out to improve your moviegoers’ online experience. Ask us about sharing our API with your web developer and kiss goodbye to manually loading showtimes onto your website.

And that’s all folks. Very busy, must run. Of course, I’ve always got time for a chat with you. If you’ve got any questions about how Veezi can make your life easier, hit me up!

2713 Yoakum Cinema Texas Customer Story

"Before the theater, everybody went out of town for activities. There was nothing to do in Yoakum..."

~ Tammy Steinmann
Yoakum Grand Theater
2775 Veezi Pivot Cinemas Customer Story Rotator 314X314

“I have literally sat on the beach and logged in using my tablet. I love that everything happens in real time and you don’t have to wait to the end of the day for reports, it’s all there. 

~ Mark & Jess Walker
The Pivotonian Cinema

“The earthquake took out 22 screens across Christchurch, and we put one back in. We were oversubscribed. We had the whole market to ourselves for a year. 

~ Jeremy Stewart
Alice, Deluxe & Town Hall Cinemas
2815 Veezi Silvermoon Rotator

"At full capacity we have over 400 cars, that’s 900 to 1000 people at any one time. The curse of drive-ins are the grid locks, but with Veezi we now have a dedicated person moving along the queues of cars selling tickets via a tablet, in advance of reaching the box office."

~ Chip Sawyer
Silver Moon Drive-In
2500 Temora Town Hall – Australia Customer Story Customer Story 150DPI 300719

People come from other towns to find out how we do it”

~ Beth Firman
Town Hall Theatre
Epic Cinemas

“I want my customers to experience the magic of the cinema, one that matches the magic of the movie—just like it used to be.”

~ Danie van der Merwe
Epic Cinemas
Casestudy Veezi Monterey

After years in the business, I've had to figure out some things and now have a reputation for doing things my way. Call it my 'indie' spirit.”

~ Kelly Rogers
Monterey Cinema

“The traffic was heavy. It added to the excitement at the box office, but the kiosks have made it more efficient for our patrons...

~ Jen Holson
Windsor International Film Festival
Johnathan Brownlee DIFF

“Every year, we try to find new ways to give our audience a better experience.”

~ Johnathan Brownlee
Dallas International Film Festival

“Hands down, Veezi is what I need. It is reliable, and I can plan and act whether I am in the office or not.”

~ Geoff Glen
1963 Veezi Anzac Theatre Customer Story 150DPI

It's simple and intuitive to use and is run by a great bunch of people! Our town put in the time, and Veezi runs our theatre and keeps our finances tight … just the ticket!”

~ Vernon Woods
ANZAC Theatre

“Veezi is flexible and able to cope with everything we throw at it.”

~ Norman & Beth Hunter
Avoca Beach Picture Theatre