Town Hall Theatre | Veezi Skip to Content
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Town Hall Theatre

Temora, Australia

Temora is known as the friendliest town in New South Wales. It has a great community spirit with 159 volunteer organizations… that is how they can get things done.

For the Town Hall Theatre to be sustainable, they have to be careful with money and rely on a pool of local volunteers. But, by 2016, they needed to spend because they had a problem. “Too many customers were booking by phone and travelling for long periods (sometimes 90 minutes) to find we were overbooked. One night we had 16 extra people; it was quite heartbreaking,” says theatre manager Beth Firman.

Not great for customers! Or for Beth, who found herself constantly at the cinema checking phone bookings to avoid overbooking. Something had to change.

And then they discovered Veezi. “We knew it would probably be out of our reach financially, so we told them we couldn’t afford it (as much as we would LOVE it). They were wonderful and came to the party with a special deal,” says Beth, who calls the Veezi team “wonderful”. She thinks Veezi made the deal because the theatre is a council-run, not-for-profit cinema, serving a wide area.

Town Hall Theatre have a monthly movie night highlighting mental-health issues. The theatre accommodates a wide range of activities like this, including events, presentations, and live shows, with Veezi software supporting all of these.

“With 55 or so volunteers, a fair bit of training was required. A handful of us learnt how to use Veezi, and then we taught everyone else”. Everyone picked it up quickly and is confident and happy using it.

And things have certainly changed for the Town Hall Theatre. “Not only has Veezi streamlined everything, it has made our theatre a more professional venue—we are not just this little country cinema. It has helped us save face with the larger cinemas; now our reputation is just brilliant. People come from other towns to find out how we do it,” she says.

2713 Yoakum Cinema Texas Customer Story

"Before the theater, everybody went out of town for activities. There was nothing to do in Yoakum..."

~ Tammy Steinmann
Yoakum Grand Theater
2775 Veezi Pivot Cinemas Customer Story Rotator 314X314

“I have literally sat on the beach and logged in using my tablet. I love that everything happens in real time and you don’t have to wait to the end of the day for reports, it’s all there. 

~ Mark & Jess Walker
The Pivotonian Cinema

“The earthquake took out 22 screens across Christchurch, and we put one back in. We were oversubscribed. We had the whole market to ourselves for a year. 

~ Jeremy Stewart
Alice, Deluxe & Town Hall Cinemas
2815 Veezi Silvermoon Rotator

"At full capacity we have over 400 cars, that’s 900 to 1000 people at any one time. The curse of drive-ins are the grid locks, but with Veezi we now have a dedicated person moving along the queues of cars selling tickets via a tablet, in advance of reaching the box office."

~ Chip Sawyer
Silver Moon Drive-In
2500 Temora Town Hall – Australia Customer Story Customer Story 150DPI 300719

People come from other towns to find out how we do it”

~ Beth Firman
Town Hall Theatre
Epic Cinemas

“I want my customers to experience the magic of the cinema, one that matches the magic of the movie—just like it used to be.”

~ Danie van der Merwe
Epic Cinemas
Casestudy Veezi Monterey

After years in the business, I've had to figure out some things and now have a reputation for doing things my way. Call it my 'indie' spirit.”

~ Kelly Rogers
Monterey Cinema

“The traffic was heavy. It added to the excitement at the box office, but the kiosks have made it more efficient for our patrons...

~ Jen Holson
Windsor International Film Festival
Johnathan Brownlee DIFF

“Every year, we try to find new ways to give our audience a better experience.”

~ Johnathan Brownlee
Dallas International Film Festival

“Hands down, Veezi is what I need. It is reliable, and I can plan and act whether I am in the office or not.”

~ Geoff Glen
1963 Veezi Anzac Theatre Customer Story 150DPI

It's simple and intuitive to use and is run by a great bunch of people! Our town put in the time, and Veezi runs our theatre and keeps our finances tight … just the ticket!”

~ Vernon Woods
ANZAC Theatre

“Veezi is flexible and able to cope with everything we throw at it.”

~ Norman & Beth Hunter
Avoca Beach Picture Theatre