Set up and manage your vouchers, gift cards, and e-gift cards with one integrated system.
Offering vouchers and gift cards is a great way to increase revenue, promote your brand, and gain new customers.
There are two parts to our Voucher and Gift Cards feature:
1. Vouchers and Gift Cards, the main module
With the ability to import any gift card data set, you are free to order from any printer; increase exposure with branded gift cards! Our support teams will convert your existing gift cards, free of charge.
Vouchers can be loaded with admits or a monetary value (either fixed or variable). Both vouchers and gift cards can be validated in real-time and can be topped up or redeemed in cinema. Gift cards are redeemable online with V-Tix Internet Ticketing.
2. Online Store (e-Gift Cards), the optional add-on
Let happy moviegoers enjoy the same options as with a physical gift card while you enjoy having no printing and mailing to do!
Once purchased on your mobile-friendly online store, the e-gift card will automatically be sent to their mailbox and contain a pin for online redemption on V-Tix, and a barcode you'll be able to scan at POS.
This will also enable your moviegoers to check their physical and e-gift card balance online.
The online gift card store is optional and works on top of the main module.

Best of all, you can keep any revenue from unredeemed vouchers, gift cards and e-gift card!
Our Vouchers and Gift Cards module at a glance: