5 Ways to Boost Online Sales | Veezi Skip to Content
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5 Ways to Boost Online Sales

With the rising popularity of online ticketing, cinemas need to embrace their online presence. As we previously covered, there are many reasons why cinemas should care about online ticketing. From the majority of purchases shifting to being online, to the prevalence of mobile accessibility for all kinds of retail, we know online ticketing is a core part of today’s moviegoing landscape.

We’re here to help you understand how to take your online sales even further, with 5 avenues you can pursue to boost your online sales.

1. Target younger moviegoers

“Kids are always on their phones these days” may be a cliché to hear, but when it comes to purchasing movie tickets, there’s some truth to the trends. Younger audiences exemplify the shift towards online engagement more than any other demographic. 2024 to date has seen moviegoers aged 12-24 purchase more than 75% of their tickets online, and those aged 25-34 are only a few percentage points behind (71%).

These same audiences can have a significant impact on the box office and success of events. Look to the surprise success of 2023’s Five Nights at Freddy’s or attendance of Barbenheimer events and you’ll see a large proportion of young moviegoers in the audiences.

Engaging online offers cinemas the ability to tap into this audience further. And to keep younger generations engaged and returning to the cinemas, we need to target them on the platforms where they spend time. These next action points will give you the tools to do just that.

2. Have a consistent social media presence

Social media can be a simple and highly effective tool for amplifying independent cinemas’ voices.

Trends from social media are influencing the film industry more often than ever. Just look at the viral explosions of M3gan’s TikTok dance craze, Gentleminions, or the popularity of Barbenheimer double-features.

But cinemas don’t have to go as big as going viral to use social media to their advantage. Having a consistent presence on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter/X, and TikTok gives you a place to easily engage your moviegoers and attract new fans. Promote upcoming events or new releases to remind your audiences about the excitement of cinema experiences.

Stay tuned to Veezi’s channels for suggestions on how you can use social media to better engage your audiences.

3. Build loyalty

While social channels help to draw in new potential moviegoers and foster community with your audiences, it’s equally important to maintain the love with your existing loyal moviegoers.

Loyalty programs have been a key part of cinema life for years now, from the complex and multi-tiered to easy points-based rewards systems. How are you using yours?

Rewarding your most dedicated moviegoers, whether through points-based loyalty programs, discounts, or other exclusive offerings, provides not only a reason for them to keep coming back for more, but to do so more frequently. Veezi provides the tools in our Loyalty offering to configure the program that suits your cinema’s audience.

Recent studies have proven how simple discount promotions can enhance revenue, and just how loyalty programs enhance visitation, with something as easy as targeted email campaigns.

4. Maintain engagement and attendance with email

Keeping your moviegoers in the know doesn’t have to be complicated. As the study above shows, something as simple as a targeted email campaign can create a measurable increase in attendance.

Email marketing can be used to engage and encourage your loyalty audience to visit more often. Whether offering loyalty members specific discounts or promotional codes, or simply highlighting upcoming exciting releases, email marketing can entice your loyal moviegoers to return to your cinema more frequently.

5. Craft a modern web experience

At the heart of boosting your online sales is providing the best online ticketing experience. There are a number of ways you can ensure your website and online ticketing live up to modern standards.

Making sure your website is easy to navigate, your ticketing processes are clear and as easy to use as possible, and accessible on the go can all make a significant difference to how much your audience engage with you online.

Mobile responsiveness (websites that automatically scale for smaller screens like smart phones) is essential in the modern market, and having a responsive website can effectively turn every moviegoer’s phone into a mobile POS for purchasing tickets. Veezi's mobile-responsive internet ticketing solution, V-Tix, fits seamlessly into your website to provide a top-of-the-line online experience.

With Web, we’ve cracked the code to creating stunning websites for independent cinemas that are customized to your brand and put user experience at the top.


Online ticketing continues to rise in popularity, and these simple tips can help you make the most of it by connecting with the right moviegoers in the right ways. Whether creating a consistent social media presence, enhancing your website, or treating your loyalty members, engaging your audience online can make a difference.

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"Before the theater, everybody went out of town for activities. There was nothing to do in Yoakum..."

~ Tammy Steinmann
Yoakum Grand Theater
2775 Veezi Pivot Cinemas Customer Story Rotator 314X314

“I have literally sat on the beach and logged in using my tablet. I love that everything happens in real time and you don’t have to wait to the end of the day for reports, it’s all there. 

~ Mark & Jess Walker
The Pivotonian Cinema

“The earthquake took out 22 screens across Christchurch, and we put one back in. We were oversubscribed. We had the whole market to ourselves for a year. 

~ Jeremy Stewart
Alice, Deluxe & Town Hall Cinemas
2815 Veezi Silvermoon Rotator

"At full capacity we have over 400 cars, that’s 900 to 1000 people at any one time. The curse of drive-ins are the grid locks, but with Veezi we now have a dedicated person moving along the queues of cars selling tickets via a tablet, in advance of reaching the box office."

~ Chip Sawyer
Silver Moon Drive-In
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People come from other towns to find out how we do it”

~ Beth Firman
Town Hall Theatre
Epic Cinemas

“I want my customers to experience the magic of the cinema, one that matches the magic of the movie—just like it used to be.”

~ Danie van der Merwe
Epic Cinemas
Casestudy Veezi Monterey

After years in the business, I've had to figure out some things and now have a reputation for doing things my way. Call it my 'indie' spirit.”

~ Kelly Rogers
Monterey Cinema

“The traffic was heavy. It added to the excitement at the box office, but the kiosks have made it more efficient for our patrons...

~ Jen Holson
Windsor International Film Festival
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“Every year, we try to find new ways to give our audience a better experience.”

~ Johnathan Brownlee
Dallas International Film Festival

“Hands down, Veezi is what I need. It is reliable, and I can plan and act whether I am in the office or not.”

~ Geoff Glen
1963 Veezi Anzac Theatre Customer Story 150DPI

It's simple and intuitive to use and is run by a great bunch of people! Our town put in the time, and Veezi runs our theatre and keeps our finances tight … just the ticket!”

~ Vernon Woods
ANZAC Theatre

“Veezi is flexible and able to cope with everything we throw at it.”

~ Norman & Beth Hunter
Avoca Beach Picture Theatre